Day in the Life of the Accounting Team

The accounting team at Sealpac UK & Partners

Like any business, Sealpac UK & Partners couldn’t run without our outstanding accounting department. Looking after company business expenses and ensuring everyone receives their monthly salary isn’t all they get up to. We spoke to Mark and Sue get a better understanding of the work they do for Sealpac UK & Partners.

What does your day to day look like?

Sue: Before everyone at Sealpac UK & Partners has woken up, I have been shopping for lots of goodies to keep everyone going! Once I’m in the office, I do the daily chores of emptying the dishwasher, opening the windows and turning all the lights on. It’s nothing exciting, but hopefully it puts a smile on everyone’s face being able to come in and start their day without worrying about the little things!

The rest of my day is taken up by what is essentially lots of numbers, lots of paperwork and hard colouring. I’m responsible for the bank reconciliations, purchase ledger, credit control, payroll and pensions, expenses, petty cash, EC Sales and Intrastat reporting. I am also a (thankfully) unsuccessful first aider as my only casualty has been a cut finger that needed attending to!

Mark: Numbers.…Numbers…. Numbers…… Sounds exciting doesn’t it….

I don’t just oversee the accounts department and all of its associated functions, but as the company’s HR representative I also spend my time keeping an eye on staff and checking they are following company policies and procedures (which is a full-time job in itself!)


What’s great about working for Sealpac UK & Partners?

Mark: One of the best things about working for Sealpac UK is the variety of work I get involved in.

Mark Parris, Head of HR and Finance at Sealpac UK & Partners

It’s not just about counting on my abacas and producing the management accounts at the end of each month, it’s also arranging senior management and bank meetings, to attending project kick-off meetings and ordering company vehicles. And of course, there are the other people at Sealpac UK, who keep me on my toes and are all fun to work with.

Sue: I have worked for Sealpac UK for over six years now and I love what I do! I feel like I am part of a team and that my colleagues are like my extended family, which makes me feel like if I ever needed a guiding hand or a listening ear there would always be someone there to help me regardless of it being business or a personal issue.


What did you do before working for Sealpac UK & Partners?

Mark: Believe it or not, I was a keen sportsman in my youth and at school represented the county at both football and cricket. I continued to play football for a number of years after leaving school playing for local teams.

I started my work life straight from school at a large local engineering company, working my way up from a low-level entry position to Assistant Divisional Accountant. Other accounting jobs I’ve had since then have been in the recruitment, engineering and leisure industries.

Sue: Even before I started with Sealpac UK, I have always worked in accounts! I’ve had various roles at Sainsburys and Newsquest, but my longest employment was as a Financial Controller for a chilled food company, where I worked for thirteen years before being made redundant. After this, I changed tack and started a Laundry & Dry-Cleaning family business which was sold in 2014, just before I started at Sealpac UK.


And finally, what all our readers really want to know: what do you both do outside of work?

Sue: I have a beautiful daughter who is now twenty-five whom I spend a lot of time with. I like to cycle, go for long walks, do a little charity fundraising when I can. I will give anything a try really, especially if it involves getting messy and laughing a lot!

Sue Hall, Accounts Admin at Sealpac UK & Partners

Knitting became my Covid-19 hobby - it didn’t fulfil the laughing mantra, but I managed about twenty different size squares that should turn into a blanket in about the year 2030 if I’m lucky. Most recently I challenged myself to a pottery day which I loved and wouldn’t hesitate to do again, although my family and friends have all declined the offer of a pot for Christmas – can’t think why!

Mark: I have been married for over thirty years, and have two grown-up children - one is a maths teacher and one is training in London to be an accountant...more numbers!

My hobbies and interests include cycling, walking, listening to music, and I am a keen photographer. I've recently had a some of my photographs published in two national newspapers!


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